
Carrum rowers take to singles over Winter

Published Sat 05 Aug 2017

The second annual NWSC Winter Sculling Series saw an increased number of entrants for some friendly competition and to raise money for our new boats funds.

17 Carrum rowers braved the freezing temperatures and foggy conditions round one... it was a very special 0 degrees when the fog finally lifted and our rowers hit the water. The first two rounds were in a time-trial format, and our junior boys Daniel, Adrian and Mal had less than a second between them leading into the handicapped rounds.

Rounds three and four saw some exciting and close finishes, with some athletes making up their 2 minute handicaps over the 1500m course. A new friendly rivalry started between Todd and Walter, with less than a second separating their times, and some true spirit and determination was seen right to the finish line as we were blessed with glassy conditions and gorgeous sunrises.

Unfortunately round 5 saw gale force winds keeping us off the water. Nevertheless, we kept the competition alive with ergo relays! Our two team Captains Jackie and Jacquie set the strategy for each team that saw less than a second separate the teams of 5 as they raced over 3 rounds.

After the 6th and final round we all celebrated with a BBQ before the Club AGM. We awarded prizes to the rowers with the most consistent times (Serena 1st, Sara 2nd, Sally 3rd) and to the most improved times (Adrian 1st, Mal 2nd, Daniel 3rd). Well done to all those who took part.